NADD Serves Diaconate Directors
Helping deacons utilize their gifts in service to the Church
Deacon Dennis Dorner Sr. Comments Off on NADD Serves Diaconate Directors
The National Association of Diaconate Directors (NADD) exists to support diaconate directors, formation directors, associate directors and their staffs in its mission to enable deacons, candidates, aspirants, their wives and families to utilize their gifts in the service of the Church following the model of Jesus Christ. We fulfill that mission by serving formation directors, deacon directors, vicars for deacons and other diocesan personnel who are responsible to their bishops for the selection and formation of deacon candidates and the continued professional development and education of deacons following ordination.
NADD is recognized for its leadership role relating to national and regional issues of the diaconate and serves as a consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations. The organization also promotes expertise through the National Directory Institute, Ministry and Life Institute, annual conventions, regional meetings, research, newsletters and consultation teams, which evaluate formation programs upon request of the ordinary.
Since its inception, NADD has worked to provide benefits to the membership by providing resources that would assist formation directors and those responsible for post-ordination ministry and life in fulfilling the expectations as outlined in the second edition of the National Directory for Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States, published by the USCCB in 2021.
Annually, the association organizes an annual convention with speakers and programs that provide practical workshop topics. Beyond the programming provided, there is the added benefit of strong relationships that are forged by the members.
There are advantages to membership in NADD. Deacon Juan Rendon, the director of diaconal formation for the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, shared how NADD helped him. “NADD has been essential for me since I began my work as director of formation,” he said. “It has provided me with the practical tools and knowledge to start and sustain our formation program and has offered me pastoral and spiritual support.”
In addition to the annual convention, NADD’s Institute Series are programs provided, typically during the summer for both directors and those in leadership positions with diaconate programs. Currently, there are two institutes offered on alternating years. The National Directory Institute (NDI) addresses the normative objectives for the period of inquiry through ordination. The Ministry and Life Institute (MLI) addresses post-ordination formation topics.
Deacon Rendon added, “The summer institutes of NDI and MLI, and the annual convention have been excellent venues for growth and friendships with diaconate directors.”
While much of what is offered to members is program-related, the most-often-noted benefit of being part of NADD is the relationships that are built with fellow members. Being named a director for any diaconate program — be it formation or post ordination — can be overwhelming.
Deacon Mark Machuga, who directs the Office of the Diaconate in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, has found value in the NADD institutes and annual convention: “The institutes that NADD sponsors every year, the annual convention and the ability to network with other diaconate directors are benefits of extraordinary value. I am a much better director because of my involvement with NADD.”
Most often there are not a lot of road maps to how best to navigate the responsibilities. Even with the National Directory, some situations arise. Having the ability to reach out to a fellow director member and share concerns and possible solutions is incredibly helpful.
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When we polled members about the benefits of membership, the most often repeated comment is like this from one director/member: “The professional and personal relationships that I have made by participation in NADD have been wonderful. Having someone who I can share with, who has experienced my same role, is invaluable.”
NADD’s recently revamped website provides a directory, sample manuals and a variety of resources including a GroupVine list-serve for all association members. A list of recommended retreat directors is under development.
A volunteer-led organization, NADD’s board of directors consists of representatives from each of the regions as defined by the USCCB. There are three elected officers, the chairman, vice-chair and secretary-treasurer. These three also make up the executive committee, which addresses the day-to-day operations of the association.
DEACON DENNIS J. DORNER, SR., is the chairman of the board of directors for the National Association of Diaconate Directors (NADD).
Additional Comments
“When I first became director of the Office of the Diaconate for the Diocese of Metuchen, it coincided with the diocese receiving a new bishop as well. Due to my inexperience with any group of deacons outside of our diocese, I was tentative about certain decisions I had to make. Where there were several options to be considered in making those decisions, I wanted some guidance as to what was good practice in other dioceses across the country. The NADD was the only place I could find that offered such information. Six years later, it is still the source for me to compare what our diocese is doing with the rest of the U.S. Church.” — Deacon Stephen Kern, Metuchen, New Jersey